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Collaboration - Synergy - Productivity

The success of an organization is based on quality products and services being produced and sold at the most competitive pricing as compared to their competitors. In recent times, we have seen many large organizations failing in market places that they previously used to prosper in. These failures were either caused by poor governance or the fact that the organization just didn’t keep up with the market trend. Consumers around the world have become more demanding and expect more from their products. Manufacturers have to keep up with these demands or trends to ensure they can still remain relevant.

Collaboration systems have become an important tool for many organizations to increase their competitiveness and productivity. Collaboration increases synergy by gaining insights from different cultures and age groups. Synergy is the interaction of elements that when combined produce a total effect that is greater than the sum of the individual element. Basically in this case it means, 1+1=3. Organizations can tap into this additional value add by implementing systems that increase collaboration amongst individuals who are culturally diverse and spread across geographical boarders. Those insights regarding the particularism of that culture can decide the success or failure of a business venture into those markets.

Even though the initial capital investment for collaboration system is very substantial, the added value that it can provide an organization provides a weighty justification for those investments. The importance of collaboration systems are increasing year-on-year due to the augmentation of competition in the marketplace. For any organization to remain relevant they need to ensure that all imaginable insight has to be gained before they advance into a new business venture.


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